Dotnet Sample Pipeline
Dotnet Application
- main
vmImage: 'windows-latest'
buildConfiguration: 'Release'
- task: DotNetCoreCLI@2
command: 'restore'
feedsToUse: 'select'
vstsFeed: 'my-vsts-feed' # A series of numbers and letters
- task: DotNetCoreCLI@2
command: 'build'
arguments: '--configuration $(buildConfiguration)'
displayName: 'dotnet build $(buildConfiguration)'
Porject1 – Hello World Python Web based application
Source Code :
- Testing Application on Linux machine
a. clone the clone
git clone
b. pip install ./requiremets.txt
c. ./
- Testing as container
a. clone it on docker machine
git clone clone
b. write Dockerfile
COPY . .
RUN requirement.txt
c. run docker file
docker build -t hellopython .
docker run –name hello-python -d p 3000:3000 hellopython
docker contianer list # to verify running container
d. Test application on browser
- push your docker image to azure container registry
- Testing on azure container instance
source – source code
Target – Azure container instance
End user Browser – url
Agent.BuildDirectory | : /home/vsts/work/1 |
- Build variables:
- $(Build.ArtifactStagingDirectory): c:\agent_work\1\a
- The local path on the agent where artifacts are copied to before being pushed to their destination.
- $(Build.BuildId): The unique identifier for the build.
- $(Build.DefinitionName): The name of the build definition.
- $(Build.Repository.Name): The name of the repository.
- $(Build.SourceBranch): The branch being built.
- $(Build.SourceVersion): The commit ID of the triggering commit.
- $(Build.RequestedFor): The user who requested the build.
- $(Build.SourceTfvcShelveset): The name of the shelveset that is built.
- Release variables:
- $(Release.Artifacts.{Alias}.BuildId): The ID of the triggering build for the artifact with the specified alias.
- $(Release.Artifacts.{Alias}.DefinitionName): The name of the build definition for the artifact with the specified alias.
- $(Release.Deployment.Id): The ID of the deployment.
- $(Release.DefinitionName): The name of the release definition.
- $(Release.ReleaseId): The unique identifier of the release.
- $(Release.RequestedFor): The user who requested the release.
- $(Release.TriggeringArtifact.Alias): The alias of the artifact that triggered the release.
- Agent variables:
- $(Agent.Name): The name of the agent.
- $(Agent.Id): The ID of the agent.
- $(Agent.Version): The version of the agent.
- $(Agent.OS): The operating system of the agent.
- $(Agent.HomeDirectory): The path to the home directory of the agent.
- Environment variables:
- $(System.TeamFoundationCollectionUri): The URI of the Azure DevOps server or the Team Foundation Server.
- $(System.TeamProject): The name of the team project.
- $(System.TeamFoundationServer): The URL of the Azure DevOps or Team Foundation Server.
- $(System.DefaultWorkingDirectory): The default working directory on the agent.
- Build and release specific variables:
- $(Build.SourceBranchName): The name of the branch without the ‘refs/heads/’ prefix.
- $(Build.ArtifactName): The name of the artifact.
- $(Release.ReleaseName): The name of the release.
- $(Release.EnvironmentName): The name of the environment in the release.
Azure Devops Labs
- ArmTemplate Deployment with AzureDevops
- Java Application deploy on Azure WebApp
Azure side
Webapp : webappjava
Runtime stack : Java 8
Java Web Server Stack : Tomcat 9.0
Operating system : Windows
Continues Deployment : Disable
Database : mysql
Server : single server
Type : basic server
Username : srinivas india
Password : India!@143 d50P*D1%#uxj
Networking Firewall rules : allow all ( to
Connection String Configuration on Application server
Name : MyShuttleDB
Connection string :
Server=””;UserID = “srinivas”;Password=”{your_password}”;Database=”{your_database}”;SslMode=Required;SslCa=”{path_to_CA_cert}”;
Type : mysql
My SQL Client (mysql workbench)
Devops Side
Create a project
Create service connection – Azure service connection – Azure-Service-Connection
Selfhosted agent registration | |
Prepare source Code
download local , delete .git folder
git init
create azure project
push to azure repos
Devops Pipeline CI
Pipeline -build pipeline
Name – javaapp-ci
Agentpool : azure pipelines
Agent specification : windows-2019
Build Pipeline, Create classic pipeline | |
Maven pom.xml mvn package -DskipITs –settings ./maven/settings.xml | Display name : maven pom.xml Maven pomfile : pom.xml Goals : package Options : -DiskipITs –settings ./maven/settings.xml Junit Test Results **/surefire-reports/TEST-*.xml |
Copy To Files | Displayname : Source Folder: $(Build.SourcesDirectory) Content : **/target/*.war *.sql Target Folder : $(Build.ArtifactStagingDirectory) Agent machines path : c:\agnet_work\1\a |
Publish artifact | Display name Path to publish : $(ArtifactStagingDirectory) Artifactname : drop Verify the drop on release pipeline run |
Release Pipeline | |
Note :Before create release pipeline create build pipeline Create new pipeline (DEV) | |
Artifact | Source type : Build Project : select the project Source (buildpipeline) : CI Default version : latest Source alias : _javaCI |
Stage1 : empty job | |
Execute Azure My SQL | Hostname : Database name : test Server Admin login : srinivas Password : India!@143 Type : MySQL Script file Mysql Script : browser sql file from drop |
Azure Webapp | Displayname ; Subscription : azure-service-connection App type : webapp on windows App name : javaapp1234 Package folder ; browser *.war Custom deploy folder |
Create pipeline |
- .Net Application on Azure WebApp
Create a Azure Devops Project
Create Service Connection
Clone repo:
Create Pipeline (CI Pipeline) | |
Where is your code : Use the classic editor Select source : Azure Repos git Team project : 2_.Net-Parts unlimited Repository : 2_.Net-Parts unlimited Default branch : main Select template : empty | |
Pipeline | Name : 2_.Net-PartsUnlimitted-CI Agent pool : Azure Pipelines Agent specification : windows-2019 |
Git Sources | Team project : 2_.Net-Parts unlimited Repository : 2_.Net-Parts unlimited Default branch : main |
Agent jobs | Display name : Agent job 1 Agent pool : <inherit from pipeline> |
NuGet restore | Command : restore Path to solution : partsunlimitted/partsUnlimitted.sln Or **\*.sln (** meaning current directory) (sln file has |
Build Solution (MS Build search ) | Solutions : **\*.sln Visual studio version : visual studio 2017 MSBuild Arguments : /p:DeployOnBuild=true /p:WebPublishMetho=Package /p:PackageAsSingleFile=true /p:SkipInvalidConfiguration=true /p:PackageLocation=”$(Build.StagingDirectory)” /p:IncludeServerNameInBuildInfo=True /p:GenerateBuildInfoConfigFile=true /p:BuildSymbolStorePath=”$(SymbolPath)” /p:ReferencePath=”C:\Program File (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2017\Enterprise\Common7\IDE\Extension\Microsoft\Pex” Define pipeline variable BuildPlatform : any cpu (set enable) BuildConfiguration : release / debug Platform : $(BuildPlatform) Configuration : $(BuildConfiguration) |
Copy Files | Source folder : $(Build.SourcesDirectory) Contents : **/*.json Target Folder : $(Build.ArtifactStagingDirectory) |
Publish Artifact: drop | Display name Path to publish : $(ArtifactStagingDirectory) Artifactname : drop Verify the drop on release pipeline run |
- Selenium Automation Testing
- Jenkins Integration with Azure DevOps
- Keyvault Integration with azure DevOps
- Github- Nodejs with Azure DevOps
- SonarCloud in Azure DevOps
- Terraform With Azure DevOps
- Aks, ACR, Dockercompose with Azure DevOps